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Introducing – Can We Get A Rhinoceros? By Christian Kueng


Can We Get A Rhinoceros?

By Christian Kueng

with Illustrations by Nana Melkadze

Genre: Children’s Animal Books

A young boy is eager to have a pet. But not just any pet will do. He wants a RHINOCEROS.

Mom has questions in the hopes of making her son realize what a far-fetched idea it is to have such a large beast to take care of:

Where would you keep it?

Where would you keep its food? And

How would you get rid of all the poo he poops?

Then, if not a rhinoceros, how about a whale? a tiger? Or even a blue-footed booby? Mom finally makes a suggestion for a more suitable pet. What could it possibly be?

Get Can We Get A Rhinoceros in Kindle and Paperback now.

Check Out Two More Books by Christian Kueng with Illustrations by Nana Melkadze

About The Author

Christian Kueng, a graduate of the Institute of Children’s Literature, is the author of the award-winning picture book Caleb’s Adventures with Granddad, Digger the Colony Worker Ant, and the fantasy fiction novel Three Genie Brothers. He loves writing stories with appealing characters and engaging plots that children will want to read again and again. Christian lives in California where he treasures time with his family and his dog Cooper. For more information on Christian and his books visit his Instagram @TheChrisConnection.

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