Teen Unicorn Book Feature – The Road To Balinor By Mary Stanton

Sybrina’s Unicorn Book Pick
For Teen Readers
 Today’s Unicorn Book Feature is

Unicorns of Balinor: The Road to Balinor
(Book One)

By Mary Stanton

As Arianna recovers from a bad accident and loss of memory, she slowly recalls things about her past and learns that her “horse” Chase can speak thoughts to her, as can her dog. When Chase is threatened, Arianna tries to run away with Chase and Lincoln – only to find herself transported into the world of Balinor, where she must reclaim her birthright.

“Stanton writes with a sure hand.” – Orson Scott Card on THE HEAVENLY HORSE FROM THE OUTERMOST WEST “A wonderful book”…“It is also required reading…for all animal lovers.” – Gene Wolfe

“If you loved WATERSHIP DOWN … this is the fantasy book for you: lovingly detailed, heart-quickening.” – Jane Yolen

author bio:
Mary Stanton began her writing career with one of the most-beloved beast fables of our time; THE HEAVENLY HORSE FROM THE OUTERMOST WEST. She loves writing for younger audiences and loves writing about magic but, after the YA fantasy series The Unicorns of Balinor appeared in 1999, she spent most of her career in the adult mystery field. She is the author of the popular Inn at Hemlock Falls series (as Claudia Bishop), and the   paranormal mystery series BEAUFORT & COMPANY.

Mary spends half of the year on her farm in upstate New York, and the other half in a small house in Florida. Many of the Unicorns in Balinor are based on horses that Mary has owned and loved for years. http://www.marystanton.com

If you read any of the books found here, remember to take the time to say a little something about the book or at least give it the stars you feel it deserves. Of course, a well thought out review would be even better.  Comments and stars, especially in this day and age, really help other potential readers make informed decisions.

Unicorns!  How we love them. . .

Luckily for all of us unicorn lovers there are hundreds of unicorn books available for all age groups.  I have gathered information about as many as I can find and have placed them here for you on my blog.

You can also find hundreds more for all ages at Sybrina’s Blue Unicorn Book Store.

Find Unicorn Gifts For Teens,YA and Older Readers At Sybrina’s Book Store, Too!

This blog post was brought to you by Unicorn Author and Entrepreneur, Sybrina Durant.  Visit her Sybrina Blue Unicorn Book website for unicorn books, Unicorn Reader Tees, Unicorn Writer Journals and Notebooks, Unicorn Reader Book Sleeves and many cool unicorn gifts.  Sybrina writes The Blue Unicorn Books. If you enjoyed reading The Hobbit, Alice In Wonderland or even Watership  Downs, you might just love this purely fanciful anthropomorphic fantasy novel.

Journey To Osm – The Blue Unicorn’s Tale by Sybrina Durant is an enchanting escapade about a metal-horned tribe of space-faring unicorns stranded a universe away from their home world of Unimaise. It is full of magic and adventure with walloping dashes of pseudosciencey stuff sprinkled throughout. It also offers a thought-provoking look into love and war amongst the other denizens of MarBryn. . .including Magh, the sorcerer who wants to kill all unicorns.

Browse Sybrina’s Blue Unicorn Book Store
In all, you’ll find thousands of books and gifts for your favorite unicorn lover at Sybrina’s Unicorn Book Store. Sybrina has spent countless hours researching, finding and cataloging these books to make it easy for others to find what might become their next favorite book.  

Sybrina is an Amazon Associate and Influencer, so you can feel safe making a purchase from her online store because each link goes directly to the book’s Amazon page. At this point you may be wondering…why not just go straight to Amazon.  The reason is simple.  Sybrina accepts no money for advertising so you can be assured that the books you see in her online store are not simply limited to who pays the most to have their book up front. You will be amazed at what you will find there. 

And if you don’t find a particular book that you feel should be there, just send Sybrina an email with the book title and author’s name.  She will accomodate almost all requests to include a new (or old) unicorn book in her online store.

Where you’ll find unicorns, more unicorns and nothing but unicorns! Visit now.

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