Introducing Carl the Can: And How a Little Boy Saves His Life By Tim Lüthi and Larina Laube

Carl the Can: And How a Little Boy Saves His Life

By Tim Luthi and Larina Laube With Illustrations by Tim Luthi

A story about the life of Carl the can.

After leaving his home he gets lost in the park.

When he has almost lost hope to ever find a new home, he is saved by a little boy. Our little eco-hero. Thanks to him, Carl ends up in the recycling plant, where he goes through the adventure of being recycled and being turned into a new, shiny bike.

This story aims to educate and inspire children about the importance of reducing pollution, saving our resources through recycling, and finally, how little acts can have an immense impact. Even those of little girls and boys.

Get it Amazon. Also available in German.

Tim and Larina are also the authors of

A Message From The Authors

Hi there! We are Tim and Larina, a young couple from Switzerland, trying our best to live our lives as sustainably and consciously as possible. It’s not always easy, but we believe that if we all live a little more consciously today, we can change the world our next generation will have to live in for the better. It’s the small steps we all take that will make the difference.

With our books, we hope to educate and inspire young children about eco-conscious living and environmental sustainability. Every book features a little eco-hero. The eco-heroes are children who save tomorrow’s world through their actions and respect towards the environment.

We hope to reach as many future eco-heroes as possible. And maybe there are some important learnings for us adults too.

Follow their Little Echo Heros Instagram page.

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